Useful Resources to Help You Maintain Balance in Your Homes Energy Usage
Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency offers this guide to educate on basic principles of building science and to provide guidance in home retrofit projects such as insulation and air sealing improvements. It's a great resource for understanding the key concepts to energy usage in your home.
BC Housing has a valuable guide for understanding how to improve air sealing and insulation in your home.
All the information you need to get you up to speed on the process . What is the BC Energy Step Code, what you'll need to do, what an Energy Advisor can do for you?
If you're looking for a better understanding of the Step Code and what it means to you as a builder check out the BC Energy Step Code Builders Guide (available for download here)
Planning on hiring a contractor? Review Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s guide on hiring and working with a contractor.
Concerned about combustion spillage in your home? Natural Resources Canada has an excellent guide to understanding what it is, why it's a problem and how to address it.