A Little About Me
I graduated from UVic with a B.Sc. in Computer Science, working for three years developing software for a local company before realizing a desk job wasn't for me. Growing up my dad was a General Contractor. I loved being on the job site and seeing homes built. So left the desk job and learned how to install tile and hardwood. From there I started doing small renovations and am now a licensed residential builder.
Being an Energy Advisor allows me to combine my Computer Science background and Building Science knowledge. I'm passionate about the construction industry and am excited to help people improve the energy efficiency of their homes. As a builder, I'm aware of the needs and challenges facing fellow builders, and believe my experience can help ease their transition through the BC Energy Step Code. Additionally, my experience renovating existing homes gave good insight into how existing homes are built and how they can be upgraded to improve efficiency.
What is an Energy Advisor?
Although Energy Advisors have been operating in Canada for over 30 years, most people are not familiar with what an Energy Advisor is or does. Energy Advisors use their expertise in combination with energy modelling software to help homeowners and building professionals make better-informed decisions when choosing energy upgrades before building a new house or starting extensive renovations on an existing home.
For more information visit the CACEA (Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors). Balanced Home Energy is a proud member of CACEA.